Legendary Lights of Clifton Mill

Last night my husband and I drove an hour North to see the Legendary Lights of Clifton Mill in Clifton, Ohio.  I was excited to test out my new photography skills, since I’ve taken a few classes, and am now shooting only in Manual mode and RAW format.  And because I now have a remote shutter release for night-time shots.  The 50 degree temperatures and weekday night made it the perfect time to go.  We didn’t freeze and weren’t squeezed by too many people!  We arrived at 5:30pm and there were already a few photographers set up even though the lights don’t come on until 6:00pm.  As we munched on some popcorn, since we didn’t have dinner, I talked with the other photographers a bit.  An announcer came on a loud-speaker two minutes before the lights came on to notify us and once they did, I heard a collective “Ahh”.  As you can see, they’re spectacular!


While we were waiting, one of the other photographers took our photograph for us…


With over 3.5 million lights illuminating the gorge, covered bridge, Mill, riverbanks and trees, it is truly magnificent!


The water-mill looks cool with a long exposure…


Historic Clifton Mill was built in 1802 as a grist mill, along the Little Miami River.  At one time, there were over 100,000 mills in the U.S.  Now there are less than 100 in their original operating condition.  Here’s where the gift shop and restaurant are located…


The covered bridge is beautiful and features a synchronized light and music show…


Looks like Santa arrived early to this house…


There’s even a miniature village


The Clifton Mill lights truly are legendary!

40 thoughts on “Legendary Lights of Clifton Mill

  1. Ahhhhhhhh that was my response too when I saw your awwwwwwesome photos Sherry!!!
    You are amazing, so talented and adventurous!! You are able to capture the beauty of nature and man-made things!! Thanks for your gift to us!!!

    Wishing you and your husband a very Merry Christmas!!!
    ♥ carmen


  2. I have been here several times with my children. I love it at Christmas but also, enjoy the Clifton Gorge in the Autumn with the leaves changing… So great to see these photographs, Sherry!


  3. Isn’t it FUN to work in all manual mode? I don’t use the RAW option because it gave me almost too many options with editing — but I applaud your determination to get even better as a photographer!! Happy holidays!!!!


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