Autumn at Long Branch Farm

Long Branch Farm is a Cincinnati Nature Center property, located in Goshen, Ohio with 632 acres and 5 miles of hiking.  I live very near here and trail jog five or six times a week with my dog…Jake.  Many days while I’m jogging, I’ll wish I had brought my camera because everything is so beautiful, but when you have a dog like Jake with you…that’s not an option.  So I laced up my shoes, while Jake was prancing around thinking he was going, and left without him to take photographs.  I usually jog about 4 miles and cross the creek about 3 times.  This is an area where you jog along the trail bordering the creek.


There’s a moss covered pond that looks quite pretty in the early morning sunlight…


This area of the path seems as if you’re entering a tunnel of light…


Special flowers and plants are everywhere…


Here’s another view of the creek…


Poor Jake…he missed out!  But I was finally able to get some photographs in the morning!

18 thoughts on “Autumn at Long Branch Farm

  1. Pingback: Collecting Barns | Fabulous 50's

  2. The colors are exploding! The little flower looks sugar coated, nice. This is the first year I have watched the season change from a great distance, having moved south… 🙂


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